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Children's Books

Barnyard Bubbe's Hanukkah
Joni Bagels on a Table 12-19-23.png

​​Joni has been writing children's books since 2003. Her genres vary from rhyming and non-rhyming picture books to middle-grade novels.​ The latest addition to Joni's catalog is Barnyard Bubbe's Hanukkah, a counting barnyard Hanukkah board book she co-wrote with Barbara Sharf, released by Lerners Publishing Group/Kar-Ben Publishing. Barnyard Bubbe's Hanukkah 

reached #1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, rated one of the top ten best 2020 holiday books for children by The Washington Post, and won a 2023 Creative Child Magazine Book of the Year Award.


Coming Soon:

Joni's newest book, Bagels on the Table, will be released by Candlewick Press in the Spring of 2027

Barnyard Bubbe's Hanukkah Book Trailer:


The featured song in this video is "Little Latke" by Joni Klein-Higger, available on iTunes, Spotify, and online music stores everywhere.


Barnyard Bubbe's Hanukkah (Lerner Publishing Group/Kar-ben Publishing)


By Joni Klein-Higger and Barbara Sharf

Illustrator: Monica Gutierrez


*Creative Child Magazine 2023 Book of the Year Award


It's holiday time, and each night of Hanukkah, Barnyard Bubbe discovers a mysterious gift left at her front door. Barnyard Bubbe’s Hanukkah, written by Joni Klein-Higger and Barbara Sharf, illustrated by Monica Gutierrez,  is a fun Hanukkah counting board book.




​Rainbow of Friendship (Guardian Angel Publishing)​

By Joni Klein-Higger ​

Illustrator: Eileen Goldenberg

*Creative Child Magazine Book Award Winner


"Is it safe to play with colors different than you?" This is the question a little red girl asks herself when she moves from the safe comforts of her little red town to Rainbow Row City.  On her journey she discovers that friendship comes in many colors, shapes and sizes.



Print ISBN: 9781616336141; 1616336145 eBook ISBN: 9781616336158; 1616336153 



*Please note that Guardian Angel Publishing has closed its doors. If you would like to order a copy of this book, contact:



Rainbow of Friendship book trailer:

2010 - present

2010 - present

Coby Ryan Harris Is Officially Fat  (Guardian Angel Publishing)

By Joni Klein-Higger and Flora Zaken Greenberg, Ph.D.

​*Awarded Literary Classics Gold Award and Literary Classics Seal of Approval


Coby Ryan Harris is Officially Fat is an inspiring novel about a smart and funny seventh-grade boy who overcomes the challenges of childhood obesity, bullying, girls, and divorce. Teen-friendly recipes are included along with healthy tips and a discussion with a licensed psychologist.


Softcover ISBN: 9781616338091 1616338091

eBook ISBN: 9781616338107 1616338105


*Please note that Guardian Angel Publishing has closed its doors. If you would like to order a copy of this book, contact:


I Have A Voice (Guardian Angel Publishing)

By Joni Klein-Higger and Flora Zaken Greenberg, Ph.D.

Illustrator: Eileen Goldenberg

*Recommended by the Selective Mutism Foundation


Jamie is about to start kindergarten, but has a big problem...she's afraid to speak. Mom introduces Jamie to Dr. Faye, a feelings doctor who not only helps Jamie speak, but helps her to feel better about herself.


This book addresses selective mutism. There is a Question/Answer section with Flora Zaken-Greenberg,Ph.D. about selective mutism and suggestions on how to help a child overcome her fear of speaking.  Suggested age range for readers: 3 - 6


Softcover ISBN: 9781616337285 1616337281
eBook ISBN: 9781616337292 161633729X

*Please note that Guardian Angel Publishing has closed its doors. If you would like to order a copy of this book, contact:


*Selective Mutism Foundation Recommended Reading:

​​TEN TZEDAKAH PENNIES ​​(Hachai Publishing)​​
Written by Joni Klein-Higger, illustrated by Tova Leff​​


"What happens when a little boy has ten pennies to share with his large, loving family? Everyone gets a mitzvah and a lesson in subtraction as each coin disappears into the tzedakah box leaving one less than before. Parents and toddlers will enjoy this story's rhythm and rhyme. . .and the fun of counting together! Clever vibrant illustrations follow the boy and his pennies from one interesting activity to another, until the plot reaches its satisfying conclusion. " (Hachai Publishing)​

ISBN-13: 978-1-929628-19-3 ISBN-10: 1-929628-19-6 
Hardcover / Ages 2-5 / List price $10.95


*Now available in Yiddish!



Joni is a SCBWI Rising Kite Award Winner for her picture book manuscript, A Dreidel's Journey. Standing to Joni's left is her SCBWI critiquemate, Shannon Hitchcock, who won third place in the Historical Fiction category.  Joni's critiquemate, Eileen Goldenberg (not featured) won honorable mention in the Picture Book category.  Eileen is the illustrator of Joni's picture book, A Rainbow Of Friendship.

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